We are absolutely in support in terms of recognizing the seriousness of the situation, both on the language issue and on the issue of making sure that when the committee asks ministries to bring forward unredacted information, the information comes back unredacted.
What we are simply proposing is that we send a penultimate letter to the ministries and the departments, the relevant ones, the ones that have not responded to our request, to let them know that this is our intent: If they do not comply within 10 business days, we will send a report to the House of Commons.
That's what we're asking for, that step. What we're asking for is simply to convene as a committee on the Monday when we return from the Easter break so that we can fully understand which departments have or have not responded. We can discuss it and then we can come to a vote, and come to a vote unanimously, to support that motion—if that is in fact the case, if there are ministries or departments that have not complied with our request.
I think this is a pragmatic step, a sensible step. It gives the ministries clarity in terms of what we expect. It gives them clarity on what our game plan is. At that point, if they don't comply, the seriousness of that is what we will convey to the House of Commons, and there will be no shred of doubt that they had a full understanding of our intent and how seriously we take this situation.
All I'm asking for is really a difference of five days so that this committee has the opportunity to convene and see what is the status of our ultimate request to the ministries and departments that are not in compliance. That's all we're asking for, giving them 10 business days.
Again, I absolutely respect and acknowledge my honourable colleague for being flexible. I ask for a little bit of flexibility on this. I think it will only strengthen our position moving forward in terms of the message that we want to send and the report that we want to send to the House of Commons. That's what I'm asking for at this point, a little bit of flexibility, and we're ready to vote on it today.