I think there are probably two significant challenges among many. The list could be long. I'm going to focus on two.
The first one is this rapid evolution of technology. The private sector, as everyone appreciates—be it banks, insurance companies, retailers, consumer packaged goods companies or energy companies—is rapidly evolving technology. ChatGPT is the latest example of that. That's going to upend just about all of our lives.
Related to that is digitization. How do you take services and digitize them in a world where we have people with very diverse needs? We have language issues. We have issues with disabilities, time zones and broadband access. Trying to solve all of those problems is core to what McKinsey does as a firm and core to the issues that the government faces. That's one.
The second is trying to find a way to do more with less. Every organization is trying to figure out how to do more with less. The demands always go up.