Thanks, Chair.
The motion we're voting on, hopefully, is to approve the report from the analysts. I would ask other members what they disagree with in the report from the analysts. If it's nothing, if the concern is cost, there is no cost to report on this to the House.
If we want to bring public servants or departments to committee to admonish them or to ask them tough questions, why? If we don't accept that they breached the privileges of this committee, why would we ask them to come here? They did or they didn't. I don't understand why we would want, as a committee, to whitewash the situation.
Has there been a breach of privilege or has there not? If there has been, why wouldn't we report that to the House?
Those would be my questions. I imagine this is going to be discussed for quite some time.
What is incorrect in the report prepared by the analysts? That's question one. I have not found anything. Question two is, with no additional cost to the committee, what reason do we have to not report this breach to the House?
If we're going to plan to call bureaucrats here, again, I just don't understand what our questions would be. We either agree with the report or we don't. For it to properly be followed through on.... That exceeds the authority of the chair of this committee and it must be referred to the Speaker of the House.
We're either for the rules or we're not. There has been a breach of privilege. The House should take the measures it deems appropriate. I concur with the seventh report as amended and as prepared by the analysts, and I'm prepared to vote to that effect.
Thank you.