You raised several good points there.
A feature of our current system is that it is completely sealed off from the real world. There is no access to the courts and no access, through access to information, to any of the information brought forward regarding wrongdoing, for example. It disappears forever, and the tribunal is deeply flawed.
We said from the start that there should be access to the courts—the regular courts—with the normal rules regarding judges and so on. That has been denied here. That certainly ought to be available. One thing I would point out is that the only way people can challenge decisions of the tribunal or decisions of the commission is through judicial review. Every single judicial review, I think without exception, has excoriated the decisions of the Integrity Commissioner, yet that doesn't amount to redress because a judicial review does not allow them to replace their own ruling. That is a huge problem in the act.
Even though it is expensive and difficult, access to the proper court has to be there as a kind of check and balance that the tribunal is doing its job, and so that it can be overruled if it's distorting the law and finding against whistle-blowers when it should not.