Thank you very much for the question.
I came up with a standard where I was thinking.... Not being in deep with the law, what occurred to me is that public servants up this point have been seen as the only ones who can be whistle-blowers. The reason is that they meet two criteria: They have insight within their job, and they have a vulnerability to lose that job and suffer other repercussions in the job space.
Bill C-290 does an excellent job of addressing those two concepts and expanding them to contractors who have both insight and vulnerability, as well as former public servants, former RCMP and temporary workers.
In that sense, if we're going to use the criteria of vulnerability, veterans are the most vulnerable of any federally serviced individuals, in that they are often wholly dependant on the Department of Veterans Affairs. Should any one at any level decide to take revenge, then they jeopardize their complete financial security, their complete medical care and often the stability of the family and the home.