Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
Again, thank you for remaining with us for whatever time we have left with you to perhaps follow up on some of the information we've been given.
I am going to return to 24 Sussex because there are still some questions in my mind around the structure among the federal government, the NCC and perhaps even the FHBRO, the Federal Heritage Building Review Office, and ultimately who is responsible for what.
The residence is designated as a “classified heritage building” by the FHBRO. The minister said when I asked who owns 24 Sussex that the NCC does. If you go to their website, it states that 24 Sussex is being “managed” by the National Capital Commission and that they have been doing this since 1988. I guess I'm wondering if you can explain what I see as a discrepancy between owning and managing.
Then, could you also perhaps tell us who is funding the abatement for 24 Sussex and ultimately, perhaps, the renovations, should they occur?
I'll leave it there.