This extends the current provisions for interim relief to all parties. Interim relief, or injunctive relief, was a top priority for every expert we heard from when they were asked about what amendments are most critically needed.
The whistle-blower must absolutely be protected as soon as they make disclosures. Instead of waiting for reprisals to happen and spending time and resources trying to address them after the fact, reprisals should be prevented as soon as a disclosure is made. Currently, interim relief can be provided to those accused of reprisals but not to the whistle-blower.
Sections 19.5 and 19.6 demonstrate a central theme of the PSDPA. The protection of those accused, with a disregard for the whistle-blower's fate, is absolutely absurd. With this amendment, interim relief would be automatically provided to all parties. This would ensure that due process is completed before any disciplinary or detrimental actions can be taken against any of the parties.