Shall NDP-14 carry?
(Amendment negatived: nays 8; yeas 2 [See Minutes of Proceedings])
We're now on to the vote on clause 32.
(Clause 32 agreed to: yeas 10; nays 0)
Colleagues, we only have four minutes left. I'm not going to get into NDP-15.
By the looks of it, we have about an hour and a bit left to get through the bill.
On the 14th, we have the PBO here. Depending on the length of questioning, we might have an opportunity to get to a short amount of Bill C-290 on the 14th.
On the 19th, we have the departments on the McKinsey documents. The 19th is the cut-off that we pretty much have, or the 20th, to get this back to the House.
Once in a while, there are some dates floating out there for a couple of hours here or there for meetings. If colleagues are in agreement, leave it with me. I will try to nab the first spot of any available resources so that we can finish this off.
Are you willing to leave that with me and the clerk?