I will try to go as fast as I can. No additional funds are required.
It requires the periodic gathering and publication of indirect performance indicators. There is little to no information available regarding public servants' perceptions of the effectiveness of the whistle-blowing system, the frequency of perceived wrongdoing, which is supposed to expose and deter, and the effectiveness of corrective actions.
This makes it impossible to determine the trends that would tells us whether the legislation is having the intended effects. With this amendment, data would be available showing levels and trends in indirect performance indicators related to public servants' perceptions. These would provide a basis for a review and improvement of the legislation and its implementation, which are necessary for the regular reviews of the act to present a realistic picture of how effective the act is.
This would not require additional funds. The public service employee survey questions are reviewed every cycle and there's no obstacle to adding these types of questions to it. In the U.S., the Office of Special Counsel has conducted three cycles of this type of survey, demonstrating an improving trend.