I'll be brief.
On amendment G‑12, I feel two years is a very long time. I would prefer six months to 12 months. If it were six months, it would probably mean that the bill would receive royal assent around June of next year, after third reading and consideration by the Senate.
As for amendment G‑11, I don't agree, because the decision could be postponed indefinitely. I can't accept that the order be postponed indefinitely.
By setting a date for royal assent, whether it be six, 12 or 24 months, depending on what we decide, that would enable the machine to put in place what it needs to enforce the provisions set out in the bill. It would also set out a clear timeline. If the date were set by order in council, the timeline wouldn't be as clear. We would rely on the goodwill, or ill will, of the government in power at the time.
I certainly don't agree with amendment G‑11. I am more open to amendment G‑12 than amendment G‑11.