It is in this direction, but I don't know if we'll get it done in time.
My view is that if we're studying issues, it's important to hear from ministers. I've often found that officials are in the unenviable position of needing to defend the government line without having been responsible for it. That limits the kind of substantive dialogue that can advance. We can ask them technical questions, but we live in a system that's supposed to be based on ministerial responsibility, in which ministers are responsible for and direct the decisions that are made by their departments. I am fundamentally opposed to the idea that we would remove the opportunity to even briefly consult the ministers. If we're going to study an issue, let's have the spokesperson for the department, the person responsible for the department, address the committee.
I don't have a strong problem, in principle, with changing the number of meetings, but I would just underline that the issue of the ministers is important for us. If we're going to look at this issue, let's look at it properly.