Good afternoon.
I'm afraid I'm going to be a little longer than Mr. Matthews. I'll go through my remarks as presented.
Good afternoon. My name is Simon Page. I am the assistant deputy minister of the defence and marine procurement branch at Public Services and Procurement Canada. Thank you for inviting me to the committee meeting today.
Public Services and Procurement Canada supports federal departments and agencies in their daily operations by serving as their central purchasing agent, common service provider, linguistic authority, and a variety of other roles. My organization is responsible for the acquisition of defence and marine goods and services on behalf of the Canadian Armed Forces and the Department of National Defence, the Canadian Coast Guard, and other federal clients. We work with client departments and industry partners to ensure that our members have the equipment they need to carry out their important work. We also work closely with our colleagues at Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada to leverage these procurements to deliver economic benefits for Canada and for Canadians.
Defence procurement is shaped by the cornerstone policies of “Strong, Secure, Engaged”, Canada's defence policy, which came out in 2017, and the national shipbuilding strategy. Our work is further guided by the defence investment plan, which was approved in 2018. These policies and plans help PSPC ensure that the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian Coast Guard are well equipped and supported.
Today I want to briefly highlight the work that we at PSPC are doing to support the Canadian multi-mission aircraft procurement, or CMMA, after which I am happy to take questions from members of the committee.
For any defence procurement, PSPC first receives information on the requirement from the Department of National Defence. Early in the procurement process, as part of pre-procurement activities, PSPC engages with industry and undertakes market analysis. This allows us to know what industry, in Canada and globally, is capable of producing in response to the requirement and to know the timeline they can produce it in.
With this information, we are better able to work with our federal clients and with our partners to identify the most appropriate procurement strategy. For example, our requests for proposals are more likely to result in a successful procurement if market analysis demonstrates a healthy marketplace for the requirement.
For the Canadian multi-mission aircraft procurement, PSPC began engaging an independent third party to conduct a market assessment of potential solutions for this capability. This analysis also looked at Canadian aerospace capabilities to analyze the different options and to assess the feasibility of the development of a CMMA solution in Canada. Based on the findings of that third party, the project team concluded that it would be very challenging for Canadian industry to develop a CMMA solution with the required capabilities within the time frame needed to meet the estimated life expectancy of the CP-140 Aurora aircraft.
To validate the findings of this report, a request for information was published in February 2022, not only to seek input from industry on the identified capability requirements for the new fleet, but also to assess the industry's interest, capability and experience to provide a solution meeting these requirements.
Out of the 23 responses received from that consultation, only Boeing provided a non-developmental military-off-the-shelf aircraft, with its P‑8A Poseidon already in use by all other Five Eyes and other key allies. The other responses were either only partial or sub-system-level solutions, or based on an aircraft not yet developed or requiring extensive modification.
Consultation with Canada's Five Eyes partners, the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand, has also confirmed that no other allied country currently has plans to develop a multi-mission platform, except for France that has requested Airbus and Dassault to produce studies for a future maritime patrol aircraft as the potential basis of a replacement project to be launched in 2026, with a new aircraft potentially entering service late in the 2030s.
The P‑8A Poseidon capability is export-controlled under the United States' Arms Export Control Act and its regulatory instrument, the International Traffic in Arms Regulations, and can only be procured via the U.S. foreign military sales program. That program allows eligible foreign governments and international agencies to purchase defence articles and services from the U.S. government, and has been accessed by Canada since 1951.
With a view to exploring this option in more detail, the CMMA project team then obtained the necessary governance approval to submit a letter of request to the U.S. government in December 2022, outlining Canada's requirements and requesting an offer for up to 16 P‑8A Poseidon aircraft and associated equipment and initial servicing. It is important to note that the issuance of that letter did not commit Canada to purchase the aircraft. It merely allowed Canada to understand the capability, cost, availability and benefits to Canadian industry in more detail.
In keeping with ... practice—