Okay. Thank you.
This scandal is fairly simple for the public to understand. You have two people who run a company with zero other employees. They are hired by the government. They do no IT work. They subcontract the work and they get a big cut for themselves: over $11 million on ArriveCAN alone.
The government chose, for some reason, to hire these two middlemen, who did no IT work, to then hire someone else, and they got over $11 million in the process. You're talking a lot about processes and procedures and how we tighten the screws on all the processes.... Doesn't that miss the core point that this one obviously really stinks? Why did government officials think it was a good idea to give over $11 million to these two guys, who did no IT work, in exchange for their subcontracting services? To really get at the nub of the issue, Ms. O'Gorman, why do you think they were hired?