What is your interpretation of a cottage versus a chalet?
We have records of you meeting at a hotel with the CIO for the Government of Canada, and now you're telling this committee, “I don't have any recollection of that.” I have to tell you, if I meet with the top person from an organization, I'm going to remember that meeting, particularly if I've had to comply with an access to information request concerning that, and then furnished that request.
Sir, you're being dishonest and disingenuous in all of your answers to our questions. I appreciate that you're embarrassed about the work that you've done and about the things that you've said, but you are required to be honest when you come before a parliamentary committee, and this clever act that you're trying to put on is not fooling anyone.
I'm going to ask you some of these questions again.
Have you ever met with government officials or anyone employed by the government in a private residence, yes or no?