Thank you very much, Chair.
Thank you very much, Mr. Robson, for joining us here today at the government operations committee. It's a pleasure for me to see you out of the Civitas environment. Again, welcome. It's really nice to have you here. Thank you so much.
You mentioned the main estimates. You mentioned the supplementary estimates. I'm going to add another document here. When the President of the Treasury Board—my counterpart, as shadow minister for the Treasury Board—came into the House and was really proud to lay down this huge pile of documents, which were the supplementary estimates, she also presented with them the departmental reports.
Now, I recognize that a major theme in your report card is that the government should be significantly more proactive in its publication of financial documents and have greater transparency, yet in the most recent Treasury Board Secretariat departmental results report, it stated that it has “changed the cycle for updating departments' frameworks from every year to every third year.” It claims that this change will increase accountability and transparency.
Would you agree, Mr. Robson, that changing this reporting cycle from every year to every three years will increase government accountability?