Yes, absolutely. I'll get back closer to home.
We felt that devastation in Windsor when the Conservatives were in power in 2015. We had 11.2% unemployment in our community.
That was 11.2% in our community in unemployment. We remember those days. We know that the Leader of the Opposition, the current leader of the Conservative opposition, was the minister of employment at the time. Of course, in Windsor, we refer to him as the “minister of unemployment”.
But we have now a battery plant here, Mr. Chair, that is creating two and a half thousand permanent jobs in my community. This is our great hope. This is our great future. This is our community's great rebound. Windsor is the comeback story of Canada, and it is because we're making these major investments here. I will sing from the rooftops and shout from the rooftops the good news about the $30 billion of investment that this federal government has delivered for Canadians and in manufacturing communities from coast to coast to coast.
We will continue to deliver investments for Canadians, and the Conservatives can keep giving words and casting shade and casting doubt. We will keep delivering. That's what we will do.
Thank you, Mr. Chair.