Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
I also want to thank you for waiting until I got back.
I'm a woman of consensus. I'm trying to find a junction point in what we're looking for, so that we can achieve a common goal. To that end, I have an amendment to propose that could meet the need to know the agreements about workers, whether Canadian or foreign, and all the human resources provisions that the contracts might contain. The amendment will be sent to you shortly.
Now, I understand that, instead of the first three points, the first paragraph says that we want “an order do issue for the production of copies”. I would add: “of the text of any provision that relates to the hiring or use of foreign workers or that relates to language requirements and language of work in any contract, memorandum of understanding or other agreement between a minister, a department and an agency”.
Finally, I'm focusing on what we're looking for in the original motion, that is to say information about human resources, foreign workers and language requirements for them. I believe that would get us the answers to the questions we're asking ourselves and, I hope, bring us to a consensus. I have not gone around the table, because I've just arrived. That would give us all the answers we're looking for regarding the hiring of foreign workers.
When Canada builds plants abroad, I know that we hire Canadian workers. It's common practice. However, as I said this morning, I have never seen 1,600 Canadian workers go and help build a plant abroad. There will be a few engineers and a few electrical technicians, but never 1,600 people. That's why it's important to look at the human resources provisions of the contracts, since those are the ones we've been discussing since this morning. By looking at those particular provisions, we will also allow other committees to do their work on the elements that concern them, whether it be technology or knowledge, for example. We're going to focus on what's been raised in committee since this morning, that is to say the human resources provisions in the contracts.
That's the amendment I wanted to move. Has it been distributed to everyone, Mr. Chair?