Yes, thank you. I won't take up much more time. It won't be 22 years until I finish.
I want to say that I appreciate the list provided here, in the motion. It is a comprehensive list that is necessary to get us to the next stage. I still worry about.... I'm looking forward to the debate about any proprietary information and elements like that, which could create further complications. However, at the same time, we need to move on right now with making sure the situation taking place here can be used to the benefit of other places that will get investment, afterwards.
The contracts are sold. They are on their own merit themselves...whether or not they will be of value and whether they'll be carried out.
I'll conclude with this: I'm hoping that, perhaps, again, there is some way to at least start with discussion. Delete number (i), number (ii) and number (iii). I will not entertain any other Liberal amendments that try to put any type of hyperbole back into this equation. That's what we did at the industry committee.
I will make a motion at one point, when it's appropriate, Mr. Chair, to delete number (i), number (ii) and number (iii) of the motion, in order to get right to the thrust of it. I will not entertain other substance put into that by anybody else, because I believe we want to talk about the real issue here: getting a fair balance about the contracts and getting them public. I do not want these contracts, Mr. Chair, to go to a room somewhere so it also handcuffs members of Parliament and creates a longer story in the longer run. That won't solve the situation.
Otherwise, we're going to be back up here. I don't want to be back up here.