The member opposite keeps saying it's secret. It's not secret. Nowhere in here does it say secrecy; it says disclosure. It refers to versions of the agreement by which we will disclose, and provide...receipt...“under the supervision of the clerk”, so that members can see it. It talks about other stakeholders and other relevant matters in this contract that are affected by the reckless nature of what the opposition is trying to do, which puts in harm's way the very people I'm speaking to.
They are saying that they are not to be trusted, that Canada can't be trusted to set up an agreement and keep things confidential, and that Canada's not a place to make investments and to receive foreign direct investment.
They are telling people outside Canada that free trade doesn't matter here, that we do not protect free trade, and that we are going to be the kind of government that is going to disclose and put our prosperity at risk because we want to see the contract. Fine.
The amendment would give members the opportunity to see it, but not to jeopardize the deal by showing it to the general public and to their competitors.