Honourable member, I can confirm that your assumption is correct. The 18-month start-up phase was the 18 months immediately preceding the July 1 operations ready date.
With regard to the second question on what, in our integrated schedule, the specific milestones were in preparation, for context I will pick the highlights. The integrated schedule was over 3,000 lines long. It was quite detailed to make sure that we could capture progress against all the specific requirements of the contract. That being said, major elements of the integrated start-up phase focused around the positive enrolment period, which had a defined period that began towards the end of March and continued right up until July 1, tracking those major deliverables.
A second major one was all the systems that needed to be built and tested by the contractor—which, in this case, was the Treasury Board—and brought into production for that July 1 date.
There were also significant milestones around the audit and claims verification program, ensuring that our contact centre and our claims-processing systems were all online and ready. Of course, there was also the screening of all personnel by the industrial security process, as administered by the Government of Canada. Each of those milestones was tracked rigorously. There was weekly reporting back to the project authority. As noted earlier, there was collaboration between both parties, often on a daily basis, to make sure that we were tracking well to that schedule.