Canada Life was well aware of the size, customer service expectations and expected challenges related to significant plan redesign of this contract, yet Canada Life reported that the first significant wave of hiring started really only weeks before July 1. I'm concerned as to why they didn't make serious efforts to staff up their customer service centre in advance of the handover date of July 1.
In the same vein, I guess, it's standard practice for plan administrators to put out informational resources to help plan members understand their benefits. While the PSHCP administrative authority and Treasury Board provide the service to plan members, industry best practices are for plan administrators to also educate their plan members.
Why did Canada Life not take this initiative? Is this a case of Canada Life doing only the bare minimum as required by the contract, or is Canada Life incentivized to not educate members, given the fees Canada Life is able to charge for customer support interactions when plan members need to call in for clarity?