Thank you very much for your presentations.
I want to link this idea of funding and funding requirements to responsibilities. Maybe there is another opportunity as we create a requirement to adopt a concussion policy, which I'm really surprised hasn't been done yet. I'd like to come back to that. Could we also have reporting mechanisms so that we're making data collection a funding requirement? I guess I just want to better understand the status quo. If certain things are not being required now that I would have assumed were required, there are probably some other considerations that it would benefit our committee to know about, when we're doing recommendations.
I'm just going to get it out front and then we can use up the rest of my time, because I would imagine you have some strong opinions about concussion guidelines not being required yet for funding from the Public Health Agency. I almost feel like we're at—I don't want to say cross-purposes, but we don't have this momentum. We're not all rowing the same way right now. If there is something the government can be doing to facilitate that, and I mean the federal government specifically, even if it means using certain terminology or something specific when dollars are rolled out or requiring some kind of accountability or transparency. I would like to hear about that from you.