What you are talking about is this cultural shift that we've been hearing about since the beginning of the work of this committee. This cultural shift obviously needs education. People need to understand that protective gear is there to protect, not to become a weapon. That's very important. We also know there are several myths regarding concussions that need to be destroyed. People need to understand that these are myths.
As part of the cultural shift, you have all the gear, the behaviour, the rules of the game and the training method as well. People need to understand that within sport that's what sports hold; I mean, they own the rules of the game, the rule book, the training methods and the behaviour. Sport can look at this. It's part of the prevention aspect that we want to push moving forward. This will help in the training and also in the education of people.
In my given sport, that gear is great and you need to have it, but you have to behave in a certain way as well, to ensure that you protect yourself and are protecting others.
I don't know if you want to comment, Greg.