Thank you for the question, which is excellent.
Our main recommendation to the subcommittee is really to ensure that your report will build upon what has been done. You heard from various witnesses throughout the winter.
It is really essential to recognize all the work that has been done, with its strengths and its weaknesses, as we know that it is not complete. It must provide value added and take into account these recommendations, for example. That may be the so-called “umbrella” recommendation, if I may call it that. It is certain that, for the five components of the harmonized approach, there is still work to be done. It's a matter of supporting sport organizations and ensuring that harmonization takes place. So message dissemination remains a major challenge to be addressed. Mr. Guenther mentioned it a few times. In fact, nationally, things are being done, but they must continue to be extended to the entire system. In terms of sport, those key messages must be disseminated.
Another recommendation is to stimulate the partnership in each province and territory between sport, education and health. We saw this in Manitoba and in New Brunswick; provinces are starting to have those working groups. That is fundamental, as each has its own reality, but each has its responsibility in terms of concussions.
There will be more recommendations in our document.