Yes. That's the thing that the partnership with Holland Bloorview and the GTHL had worked through. It was certainly educating parents, kids and coaches about what to look for. If you had even one symptom, then it was, “When in doubt, sit it out”.
Then you work with your family physician to have a referral to Holland Bloorview. They work with you on understanding what your symptoms may or may not be and then what you can do to improve upon that.
From there, you would get baseline tested, once you were feeling much better, and you could get signed back to return. If not, they have a residual concussion symptom program. You could get stuff from the Internet—not the Internet, but online is what I meant—so that you didn't have to go, because a lot of kids would feel.... I know Matthew did. He couldn't ride in a car and going for appointments was very difficult, so they were very accommodating that way. Then working with a coach and the resources at the hospital, they would get the person to return to all the things they liked to do, whether it was school, sport or just their daily living activities.