Who cares if she has a drop-off of skills over the summer? No child's body can take 12 months of any activity over and over again.
That is a bit of an educational issue. In the U.S., we're sort of fighting a capitalism issue. There's a group of coaches who have found that if they prey on parents' fears that their child will fall behind, or sell them on the idea of a college scholarship because education is costing too much now, they can convince them that their child has to play their sport year-round to succeed.
I'm a new parent. That's something that I'm going to have to fight, but I've committed myself to fighting it, because it's not the way it used to be and it's not the way we grew up. Now there's a financial incentive to have your child in a sport year-round and, frankly, while we need kids having exercise and all that stuff, we need to de-emphasize a little bit this chase for glory. We have to realize that 99% of people who are playing sports are never going to get paid for it. They're never going to reach the top. It's not all about that chase.