Yes. My thought was that if people are good at blood biomarkers, let's get all of our best blood biomarker people working on a project together and collaborating. Maybe someone is missing something along the way. I always think that if you get into a situation.... It's not just me and Peter who are going to sit here and talk about concussion. We're going to get a whole group together, and we're going to work. We're going to get as many ideas as possible floating around, and then we'll go through them, shrink them down, pick four or five targets and go at it.
I don't think the research is making the group wide enough, and they're not working together as nicely as they could be. If you think pro sport is fierce, you should see these researchers. It's unreal. It is fierce. It's very competitive in the research world.
Let's get it up. Let's have timelines and look into how we can improve things. Money is hard to come by, and it's Canadians' dollars. Let's show what's working, where the money's going, what's progressing and what has come out of it.