We have a great doctor and researcher in Canada, Dr. Carolyn Emery, out of Calgary. She did research on hitting. You will not find this shocking at all, but if you take out hitting, then injuries and concussions go down accordingly. I guess you have to go through that, do that type of research and get it done, and I'm happy she did it.
I look at hockey and what a beautiful game it is. Why are we starting to hit when not everyone has gone through puberty? You know what it's like when you're 12. Why can't we wait until we're 15, focus on our skills, focus on skating, focus on other aspects of hockey? Trust me, you can learn to hit and receive a hit from 15 on and you'll be just fine. You're not going to be behind the eight ball by any stretch. If everyone else is doing it, then everyone is on an equal playing field anyway.
Let's get through that danger zone, where there can be a big discrepancy between size and strength. I think it clears it out. What Carolyn did was fantastic and it allows us to look at it. That's been out there for years, but what have we done to take her great information and put it into practice?