About that, I'd like to loop back to the previous question.
The CCC made a recommendation about that. The CCC cannot make laws, but we made a clear recommendation that was published. If you organize an activity at risk for concussion, you should implement a way to manage concussion, in the same way you should have a security and prevention strategy in general.
You should consider your resources and ask, “How can I do as best as is possible for concussion?” Those levels of resources will not be the same. Suppose you are on the world cup tour in alpine skiing or at a little ski club on the mountain by the city. You will have a doctor and an expert physiotherapist on the world cup tour and you will not have any health care providers at the little ski club. But you can still do very well. You can implement awareness. You can find a way to consider...if the kid was able to return to school prior to returning to sport.... There's a way you can address every aspect and ask, with consideration for the resources of any setting, “How well can I do?” I think that's the process we are looking for.
We will never be able to have sport therapists and even fewer physicians present everywhere a sport event is occurring and there's a risk for concussion.