That's a great question. Our goal with this massive open online course on concussion, the MOOC, is to make it appeal to a broad audience. Everyone is welcome. We also want different stakeholders because that facilitates some great discussion. Our goal is to take the research evidence, a lot of which is very much aligned with the 5th international consensus from Berlin, and help disseminate it to the general public, to people who are stakeholders in different areas.
We also have a reflective process where they look at how it applies to their own area, and whether they want to look at developing policy within their local area or their sport organization. There is help with tools and reflective documents for that. There's also the opportunity to have a discussion online with me and with Dr. Pierre Frémont, who was here last week. We're co-teaching the course.
Dr. Frémont has done a very successful MOOC on concussion in French. He approached our group and said, “I think you guys are the right people to adapt this to English and I think there's a need for it.”
We've had a very large amount of interest from multiple different stakeholders. I've been in contact with a lot of different people since we announced it a couple of weeks ago.