Yes. It is mandated that there will be annual reports. The initial recommendation was for every two years, but through the public commentary process it was changed to annual reports that will be done on what has been accomplished with respect to the action items and how it is functioning. I believe it can also be an evergreening process. Some of the elements that will be required, the information portals, etc., will be evergreen. They will be updated as better information comes forward.
What we really want to do is have those portals be the ones that people go to. One thing we learned through the inquest was that Rowan did Google concussions, but the information that came up was not helpful. It wasn't the stuff she needed to see. We need to ensure that the first thing that comes up when people search for the elements of concussions are things like the government portal, where the very best, the newest, and the most up-to-date information can be found. Places like Parachute need to be the ones that pop up for people to seek out information on that. There needs to be some work there with respect to ensuring that the right and most up-to-date information gets into the hands of people. It could be combined with a public service announcement program during a concussion week. There are many ways that could be done.
It's very important that they get the right information when they search for it.