I guess what I would want more than anything else is a recognition that this is a very complex issue. It doesn't ascribe to simple solutions. It needs to be comprehensive in the way you come back. I think there needs to be a very clear indication that this is serious, that this is about resources, this is about resource reallocation within a health system delivery, this is about making sure you have capacity to do what we all talk about, that you have resources to implement things that we've already created in terms of strategies, and that there is a real need to move forward.
I'm always struck that it's very true, when I build on what Diane Finegood said, that you really want to make sure that whatever you do the role of a government is to seed and then make sure we learn from that. We've learned a great deal. I think we could learn a lot from some of the examples that are out there now, such as has happened in Nova Scotia--comprehensive school intervention, robust research. Out of that comes reallocation of resources. There are wonderful examples of things going on, but as a country we need to take it seriously and start the resource reallocation process.