Diane has used the word “seeding” down to the individual; I would use “empower”. I'm not sure you should think there's just a huge capacity at the local level to have change happen.
You went through a number of programs, and you need to know that as we looked at this seriously from the federal level, we were trying to figure out how we could enhance capacity at the local level. At the same time, cities were amalgamating, including our own city of Ottawa-Carleton. I got a call from someone who was trying to bring in physical activity and healthy eating and influence the environment. They were being asked by their council what the impact would be if their budget was cut by 50%, 70%, and 90%. I don't think you should think there's capacity.
Diane raised the issue of the Saskatoon in Motion program. One of the biggest issues is that when you go outside of some of these centres, there's no capacity. So the whole seeding down to individuals and empowering individuals is important, but I think you need to appreciate that to do this and do it well it's going to be....
I'm trying to imagine an example for you that would be an analogy to your physical activity....