When it comes to Canadians, I think the word I would use is “support” as opposed to “seed”. So when you talk about individuals, the key here is to support them in their environments to be able to make healthy choices.
In some cases they don't have access, as my colleagues have told you, and in some cases it's just not the easy choice. So the more we can make the healthy choice available, possible, and the easy choice--that's clearly critical for Canadians.
On seeding, I would go to the example of what CIHR has done. In the creation of CIHR we created a number of programs that were called community alliances for health research. We gave funding initially to a researcher, who was working directly with communities, to tackle the research component of that problem.
A good example is a program called Saskatoon In Motion: Building Community Capacity through Physical Activity and Health Promotion, which was started by a researcher at the University of Saskatchewan who had an idea that they needed to build the capacity of the community there to undertake more physical activity.
An investment from CIHR of $1 million per year for five years was leveraged tenfold by this researcher. So once we put the money on the table and said this was a good thing to do, their city and province came to the table with additional funds for the intervention activity that was under way. So when I talk about seeding, from my perspective it's doing that kind of activity.
On your first question about what the evidence tells us we should do, we should ban advertising of junk food to children. I recognize that's a very difficult task to undertake and may not be something we want to do, but there is good, strong evidence that it would have a huge impact on our environment.