I'll start, and hopefully I'll touch on a few of the points; you've raised quite a number. Then we can go across the panel.
Yes, it is a daunting task ahead of us. I'd say it's taken us really fifty years on this track to engineer everything out of our lifestyles and to make them easier. We've had a lot of advantages from that. When people say, “Oh, I'll do more physically active chores,” it's not something that we necessarily are going to respond to. Nonetheless, by mowing the grass, etc., people may put it back in. We really have to take a long-term view.
One of the things the federal government could do in terms of leadership is really promote that this isn't a four-year solution but a twenty- or fifty-year solution. The Coalition for Active Living has said that to make a difference, really we should be looking at an investment of about $500 million over five years, taking a broad-based approach. We should move the markers and start monitoring how that happens. It is going to take us a long time, and if the federal government could show leadership here--that it is a long-term commitment, that we're looking at fundamental societal and urban change--and could start having a vision of sustainable communities that would allow everyone to feel safe in their environments again, I think we would go a long way toward that.
It isn't going to be an easy task, and we're going to have to learn as we go, which is why I was asking that 15% to 20% be put toward evaluation on any project so that we can really learn and share what works.