Well, I'll be somewhat tight, Mr. Chair.
I have one quick question to Ms. Craig, and then I'm going to leave you all with this thought. If there are one or two things we haven't talked about today, or you'd like to reiterate the importance of something, we're going to write a report in this committee, and this is your opportunity to let us know what absolutely has to be in this report. Or putting it another way, if it's not in the report, we've absolutely blown it and wasted our time here. I leave you with that thought. How is that for pressure?
Ms. Craig, I think we're mainly on the same page, but I respectfully disagree on one point, and that is regarding the children's fitness tax credit. Granted, it's not a perfect tool. It's a start. It's certainly better than nothing. I agree with you in terms of, yes, some families are going to have some difficulty in, let's say--