I would echo that. The brand recognition for ParticipAction accelerates the whole process enormously. It has not only brand recognition but positive associations with that brand recognition, so it's legitimate. Whether it should be or not, it is, in the minds of Canadians.
As I said at the start of my presentation, I think there are some non-traditional messages--education--we need to get to parents that it's very subtle things throughout the day, in addition to swimming lessons and quality physical education, that need to be done in order to get us back to the amount of movement that we did throughout most of our existence. That's really important.
I think it's also really important not to isolate on one thing. ParticipAction alone, in the absence of better surveillance, better quality research, enhanced physical education in the schools, increased investment in community infrastructure to promote physical activity, friendly communities, and so forth, won't do it. It didn't do it with any of the other major public health issues and this is a very complex one.
We need to come at it from several angles and bombard it. It's going to take a massive effort. Resurrecting ParticipAction, giving them a budget for three years, and saying it showed some activity and should solve the problem clearly won't do it. A combination with a number of other things that have the potential to increase the health of kids and also deal with a number of other social issues as well is what's required in my view.