I'm sure it will be wonderful for Moose Jaw to have a new multiplex facility. I would never speak against that; it's important. Unfortunately, you always get into “this versus that.” That facility will attract middle- and upper-SES kids. The same kids who play hockey will probably play indoor soccer, and their parents will use the indoor track. It will miss a segment; it won't completely solve the problem. I think it will be good, and it will hopefully increase the number of kids playing shinny on the driveway and so on, but it's not the only answer, for sure.
With respect to the children's fitness tax credit, Active Healthy Kids Canada submitted a brief and met with the committee about it. We're certainly supportive of it. It needs to be studied; we need to assess whether it's going to have an impact. Nova Scotia implemented something like this, but put no evaluation component into it. They're only two years ahead of the federal government. We can't learn from them, because no one did any robust audit to see whether this is increasing enrollments or whatever. So I would strongly recommend that.
I would also recommend, as our submission suggested, that we think outside the box and not just institutionalize it. We believe that the $15, in the case of a family going public skating together, should be included in that, not just signing Billy up for hockey or Sally up for dance and those sorts of things.