Chief Whitecloud has asked me to respond.
The impact has been that the $1.3 billion that had been announced in funding--which included funding to stabilize the envelope but also included a $445-million envelope, I believe, for transformative change in the system, which would have facilitated the changes required to allow communities the flexibility to implement that particular strategy--is gone.
We've also lost, as I mentioned, other investments around early learning and child care, which would also have contributed to improved nutrition that would have been accessible to children. So there are other resources there.
The other impact, of course, is the fact that we are facing a 3% cap as of April 1, 2007, with no alternative plan for how that will be addressed. Our communities are in an emergency situation. They are focusing strictly on how they will mange within these cutbacks instead of thinking about how they could approach things in a more innovative way and how they could address the determinants of health in their communities.