It is a perspective that I know has been expressed by him, and it is a perspective that isn't shared widely by others. We take this very seriously. We don't just casually say we don't agree with something. We are very careful about this.
I can take tell you that we've actually met with the scientific director of the Canadian Obesity Network, Dr. Sharma. We asked him whether he thought we should be talking about calories. His answer was no.
We went right across this country for our consultations. We didn't just ask if they liked the pictures. We had a whole section on energy. It is such an important issue. We asked if we were adequately dealing with energy, if there was something we needed to do better. The overwhelming response was that what we were doing was very important, and they wanted us to do what we do better. Not many people talked about counting calories.
Did we hear it? Yes. There are opinions as wide as this room on every element in this food guide. What one needs to do is look for evidence that underpins the guide. You go to the experts and garner their input. Then you go through and make a decision on how to proceed.