Actually, on a number of occasions I have met with our hospital CEO and the nutrition department in dealing with this very issue. To be quite honest, the answer I kept getting back was money. They feel this is what most people want. They want French fries and burgers; they want the high-caloric, high-fat meals that will fill their bellies. However, they have started a change because I've threatened them on several occasions, and a lot of the threatening had to do with educating them. We have to educate ourselves.
To answer the other question you were asking, how can we institute some change within the various communities, it is a multi-tiered approach, and we have to educate the masses. We have to get into their community places of worship perhaps and do some form of educational sessions or seminars that at one sitting will provide them with education, not just for the parents but for the children, so that they can have some semblance of an idea as to what disease state we're speaking of.
Again, as you said, for most people it is the shape of affluence. The bigger you are, the more affluent you are. In Africa and in some parts of Asia, this is what is felt, but we have to change this. Even in the South Asian communities, it has changed. If you go to India, Bangladesh, or some of the other countries, they have already adopted that change. They've already started to exercise; most of the children have become more fit.
However, the immigrants who came from those countries have held onto their values from whenever they came, and they maintain that this is the way they're going to live.
So we have to do a lot of groundbreaking to help change these habits.