Thank you very much.
Thank you for your presentation. I'm not usually a member of this committee, but I'm very pleased to be here today.
I wasn't going to take this line of questioning, but I really want to know from you what steps you think the federal government can take. I want to put it in the context of the two policy initiatives that have been referred to already.
We've just heard about the supplement to families for child care, which is really, in my mind, a family allowance. Yesterday I happened to be part of a presentation that indicated that it was the single-parent family who received the least amount if they were...for comparable families earning $50,000. The least benefit of all applied to two-earner families between $30,000 and $40,000.
So even for child care, or for however everyone chooses to use that $100 a month, it is those you're referring to who have advantage from it. There's also the fact that the child tax supplement of $249 has been removed.
Earlier we heard about the tax credit for sports. Very recently I was approached by a community club in my own community of Winnipeg, where, I've been advised, what's actually happening with the tax credit--they're gathering some information for me--is that those who have are registering for sports, and those who don't have, who were once subsidized, are not now coming forward for sports registration. To my mind, this all has a negative impact on low-income families.
I found your presentations very interesting. Do you have any constructive suggestions in terms of low-income families? Obviously there's increasing employment insurance and increasing the social safety net, but what within the federal jurisdiction would you advise this committee to recommend to government?