Very quickly, in response to your question about Canada's food guide, it is important to recognize that this thing is not a prescription. It's not the same as if you went to a dietician and were given a diet that was a menu plan. All it's doing is mapping a pattern of eating that to the best of our knowledge would meet with nutrient requirements, so that it would ensure nutrient adequacy.
As for that other foods category, should there be more direction there? Probably there should be. But what we know from the very careful modelling work that was done with the people in Health Canada to generate those other numbers—the number of servings for fruits and vegetables, for milk products, and those kinds of things—is that this is a very rational model. If people were to follow it, it would certainly achieve the nutrient levels we want.
Whether there should be some caveats in terms of the other foods category is debatable. Remember, it is not a prescription. Probably if we want to make those kinds of caveats, a more important place to do that is on the label.