For CDPAC, we have done some looking at this issue, because, as you say, we're concerned about it as well. We do see it as one piece. You were talking about the multi-pronged integrated.... This is one piece of it.
Just to let you know, CDPAC has done a background paper looking at marketing and advertising to children, and I brought a few copies along, in French and English, for the committee to consider. We wanted to let you know that we've done some looking at this, because we're concerned as well.
We don't feel that we know exactly how to do it yet. That's why we're suggesting we need to put this consensus panel, or what have you, together, so that we can figure out what to do and how to do it right. So we need to gather the evidence together, look at it, look at what Norway has done, look at what Sweden has done, and look and see what the results from Quebec are so that we can figure out how to do this. Let's get on with it and do it. If it's going to have an effect, let's roll with it. But we need to gather the evidence and do it properly first. That's why we think we need this consensus piece brought together with all the experts.