I'm going to answer the last piece, which was about the transport of food and the foods in food banks. I'm absolutely agreeing with that. We need to look more upstream. The answer isn't to see how we can distribute food in food banks. The answer to the question is social policy change, which is much bigger than that, right?
You talk about transportation issues, but really the question about whether or not a poor child can get enough to eat has a whole lot to do with the fact that we no longer have the Canada assistance plan. We changed that. We threw that out and asked each province to come up with their own standard for how much is enough in order to purchase nutritious food.
Those families cannot purchase food. Maybe they can learn to grow food or maybe they can help with this alternative system that I'm talking about, but a lot of them are running all over the place for their everyday day-to-day needs, like child care and what not. They don't have time to be growing carrots.
So in answer to that question, yes, we need substantial policy change. Kids shouldn't be going to food banks. We should have social policy that actually gives them enough money to buy food and housing and clothing and health care and those things.
What was the first part? I missed another part.