That's very important, and we're having a great consultation with some of the agencies to see how we can make the money go further. We want to target it to places where it can do the most good. I want to assure you that's important.
There are other announcements forthcoming. I will not be making them at committee today, but they are forthcoming.
As for delivering the results that Ms. Dhalla mentioned, you're absolutely right. One of the frustrations of the job is the 2004 health accord signed by Mr. Martin with the provinces. It's difficult for the federal government to insist on results, because there are no strings attached to the money. I think a great opportunity was missed in this country with the little part missing in that accord.
I'm absolutely committed to working with the provinces and territories. My provincial and territorial counterparts know that people want results, and I will continue to work with them in a spirit of collaboration and cooperation.