A second home.
Over the summer, we at Health Canada developed a plan that will allow the agency to begin its licensing and enforcement activities as soon as possible. I'll address this strategy in a few minutes, but first I'd like to make a few other comments.
This standing committee has played a significant role in shaping the legislation we now have in place. Over the next few years, as we work toward the full implementation of the act, this role will continue, especially with regard to regulations under the act.
As you know, the act received royal assent in March 2004. Since then, the department continues to work toward the full implementation of the act, which essentially consists of developing a regulatory system and establishing the agency, Assisted Human Reproduction Canada.
I would now like to present a brief overview of the activities of the implementation office to support this implementation.
We have drafted proposed regulations to address section 8 of the act related to the issue of informed consent. The draft regulations were pre-published in the Canada Gazette in September 2005 for comments by stakeholders. The act requires that the minister table the regulations in Parliament with this committee, as well as with the Senate committee. We have now tabled these regulations and we're looking forward to the review.
We also organized workshops and are currently carrying out consultations with interested parties to examine certain issues, such as consent, counselling, health reporting information, and clinical and laboratory practices.
We are focussing our consultations to seek policy advice on various clinical activities and laboratory activities carried out in clinics, as these are complex issues requiring a detailed and in-depth knowledge of procedures before regulations can be developed. We must also include the opinions of those affected by these activities, especially parents and the children of these technologies, along with donors.
We are also looking at other ways of obtaining additional information and expert opinions, including on-line consultations, so as to speed up the regulation development process.
We have now secured temporary office space for Assisted Human Reproduction Canada in Vancouver, B.C., and have done extensive work to develop the necessary governance and accountability structures, business plans, processes, and management tools. We are continuing to work toward the setup of the information systems for the agency, including the personal health information registry.
Another important step we have taken has been the development of a memorandum of understanding with Health Canada's inspectorate. This MOU has been concluded on behalf of the agency to provide compliance and enforcement support through in-house inspection staff. Twenty-three inspectors have been designated, and eleven are currently concluding outreach activities to encourage compliance by improving awareness of the act, providing information regarding the provisions of the act, and educating the stakeholders about their responsibilities under the act. We began these outreach activities in the fall of this year.
As you heard from the Minister of Health when he appeared before the committee in late November, the government anticipates it will soon be making an announcement on the president and other members of the agency's board of directors.
I would now like to go back to the regulatory development and share with you Health Canada's approach.
In the AHR field, very little currently exists as far as established Canadian guidelines or standards. Following a rigorous planning exercise earlier this year, a new approach to the development of regulations was devised. A refocused set of priorities was identified that will deliver on key regulations within a shorter timeframe. We will concentrate on a core set of regulations covering the licensing of in vitro fertilization activities with people using their own gametes. This will enable the agency to begin its licensing activities sooner.
In vitro fertilization is the main authorized activity of the clinics. We have reached the last stage of a consultation in three cities that began in Montreal on November 24, continued last week in Toronto and will wind up in Vancouver tomorrow and Saturday of this week, during which we discuss documentation on the 10 activities governed by the IVF legislation.
We are also taking this opportunity to discuss the licensing framework and health reporting information with the sector we will be regulating. These discussions will help us better understand the problems, issues and concerns with respect to the development of regulations. Barring any unexpected circumstances, the regulations should be put in place in the next 18 to 24 months.
I do, however, want to reassure this committee that while our goal is to get the regulations in place that will allow the agency to begin its licensing activities sooner, by focusing on IVF regulation, work is continuing on other regulations necessary to fully implement the act. It is my sincere belief that this new approach will produce the expected results.
In a moment, I will turn to Kata, who can elaborate further on the proposed consent regulations under section 8.
As you know, the proposed section 8 regulations deal with consent issues as they relate to the use of human reproductive material and in vitro embryos.
It should be noted that the act addresses consent in a number of provisions and in different contexts. For example, section 14 requires that licensees make counselling services available to any person donating human reproductive material or an in vitro embryo, or anyone providing health reporting information. Licensees must also ensure that these counselling services are received.
Section 14 of the act also requires that donors of human reproductive material and in vitro embryos, and persons providing health reporting information, provide written consent indicating they were informed of the requirements of the act respecting the retention, use, provision to other persons, and destruction of the human reproductive material or in vitro embryos, as well as the retention, use, disclosure, and destruction of health reporting information.
However, this section--section 14--and the accompanying regulations are dependent on the licensing framework being in place. Regulations respecting licensing are the ones we are currently developing.
I will now turn it over to Kata, who can elaborate further on the proposed consent regulations.