Merci, and I apologize that I am unable to respond in French.
I get the sense that you're asking me whether the process that has surrounded this committee has been appropriate. I do think there has been an unfortunate delay in the undertakings of the agency and in the regulations. Whether one is for or against the regulatory process and the legislative regime that's been developed, I think it's worthwhile getting it up and running and getting the regulations established. That's one concern I have.
A second concern I have is somewhat minor, because I know this happens with many processes like this one. It's the degree to which the community at large has been aware of the consultation process and has participated in the consultation process. I know that is always a challenge, but given the controversial nature of this area, I think it's important to get as much consultation and input from as varied a group as possible. And I have a sense that perhaps that hasn't happened, particularly around the regulatory development, as well as it could have.