Certainly. Fees represent about 25% of our budget in the Health Products and Food Branch. They were set in the early to mid-1990s and have not been adjusted since, so there's been no accounting, even for inflation, during that time.
We are preparing to launch a consultation process. We expect it to be next month. As you will know, through the User Fees Act, that's a very extensive process, so we will be engaging strongly with stakeholders. It will come back through Parliament as proposals. They will include, I think, both an expansion of the areas where we think it's reasonable to set fees as well as service standards—performance standards, if you will—that stakeholders should expect. Then, of course, at the end of the day, those fees have to be approved by Parliament, so we'll have to see what Parliament deems to be a reasonable fee level.
In terms of how we compare, we're actually on the low end internationally for food and drug regulators, at about 25%. The FDA is closer to 50%. Europeans are at about 75% and Australia is at 100% fee revenues, so I guess we'll see where we will end up. That is a very important part of the work we're doing.