Yes, we will be making changes based on the new food guide. As I mentioned, we're also hoping to go further on salt and sugar, but we will do that in conjunction with Health Canada.
The program at Heart and Stroke is about a $1 million a year program. Just so you know, there's a wall between the program and the Heart and Stroke Foundation. Any surplus gets put back into the program, but that money is used to review the materials.
We do in-store promotions. We don't promote the individual products, but we promote the brand, because the companies aren't using their own brand. They're not going out there with their own check mark, they're going out there with the Health Check mark, and they want to know that the public understands what that brand means. We therefore have to spend some money to promote the fact that this is a third party, unbiased program based upon Canada's Food Guide. Otherwise, the brand has no value when they put it on their product for consumers. So it's about a $1 million program that is actually very small.